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Lotus Skin Clinic

Welcome to the Lotus Skin Clinic!


For years I have used aromatherapy oils and carrier oils when it comes to my skin. Although they were good, and my skin felt great, I felt their ingredients were just not enough.


Since I opened the Lotus Skin Clinic I was looking for an excellent brand which I could use in the clinic. One that I use myself, and one that would actually result in you seeing a real difference.


After many trials and errors in testing I had a Juliette Armand Facial from a great friend of mine and I was hooked.


The Juliette Armand brand has been in Ireland for the past 5 years and they provide outstanding products and results. I am delighted to say that I offer a range of Juliette Armand facials (see here for a full list) and I also am a stockist for the brand.


Outside of the Juliette Armand facials I offer a range of bespoke Lotus Skin Clinic facials, designed specifically for my fantastic clients. Click on each of the links below for more info.


I look forward to welcoming you to the Lotus Skin Clinic soon.

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