Micro needling or Collagen Induction Therapy is based on Cosmetic Acupuncture but with a modern day twist. Working with a motorised pen, this machine works in slow motion covering all areas of the face and neck if required.
Micro needling will help with
It improves the appearance of forehead lines and wrinkles
Frown lines or the 11s between the brows
Crows feet at the side of the eyes and at the top of the outer cheek
Sun damage, brown spots and age spots
Acne scarring, chicken pox scarring
Uneven skin tone
Smokers lines around the mouth
Marionette lines from jowls to the nasal fold
The jowly effect at the lower cheeks
And a brighter complexion to the skin all round.
The Micro needling treatment starts with a double cleanse following with a mild facial peel. This will help prepare the skin for Micro needling. Using different mediums of mesotherapy from hyaluronic acid to vitamins a, c, e these will soak into the skin quicker because of the tiny micro punctures caused by the pen. Once the pen has done its work we will follow with a face mask which will ease any redness and will fill the face with extra collagen to help heal the skin and promote a better result.
To see a continued improvement, it is advised that you do this once every 3 – 4 weeks until you get your desired effect and every few months afterwards to maintain.